Tara’s Story

Mountain Springs Church - Colorado Springs, CO - 2022

Direction, Film, Post-Production


Mountain Springs Church is a vibrant community of faith in Colorado Springs, CO. Known for their outreach and stewardship, Mountain Springs has partnered with Fourfront for several years to create cinematic testimony pieces to use as part of their Easter services. In 2022, they proposed three potential subjects for the piece, and asked Fourfront to propose who was the right fit for the goals and theme.

However, we also knew we needed to reduce the total budget by 25% relative to the 2021 piece, to support the church’s annual communication goals, while still producing something engaging and cinematic.


After emotional conversations with each of the three proposed subjects, Fourfront recommended moving forward with Tara. To start, Tara was vulnerable, and gave herself entirely over to our testimony process, yielding a piece that is honest, evocative, and cinematic. She was a true joy.

To reduce costs while maintaining quality, our first step was to lock in on a studio-only shoot, at a single location, across only two shooting days. We converted an existing room on Mountain Springs’s campus into one that fit our needs in a way that enhanced how church could leverage it in the future, and invested in alternate fabrics instead of standard theatrical fabrics. We also leveraged existing projection hardware the church owned to create the effect we visualized. (The oscillating fan we brought from home really brought some dynamics to our b-roll.)

The result was a sustainable, at-budget piece that still created space for people to experience Tara’s story in a unique way during a moment in the Easter service.